Below shows just a tiny fraction of the messages that have been written to, or about Lee.


They are taken from Lee's Facebook Memorial Group or from books that have been written-in at various events.




The magic that Lee brought into so many of our lives! Even the shyest dancer felt special when Lee was teaching. Such a sense of fun and laughter. How sad I am for the loss of such a special guy!! Maureen




Lee is unforgettable. He always comes to mind whenever I look for someone to aspire to be like in their attitude to life and the way they are with people. Robert Saunders


Having my ‘remembering Lee’ night tonight, I always manage to find some new clips that have me in awe all over again. I will always remember the confidence you gave me as a new dancer in Majorca, I am talking to a new dancer about you on here now and you have inspired him already. Your dancing lives on and you will always in my heart. Nikki Owens




Lee, you are just brilliant; both as person and a dancer. I never met you in person but I just finished watching few videos of you on youtube and I can see why people love you so much, because you are love-lee. Even god missed you and that is why he called you back (a bit too soon). However you will live forever in many hearts; not only of your family and friends but also of people who you still continue to inspire with your bright, lively and lovely personality. Suman Samanta


Hi Lee, Just wanted to tell you that I’ve finally started teaching now and you are still a huge inspiration to me. I hope I can bring as much warmth and light to my students as you did for me. Sureka Fernando



Lee – teach everyone up above how to enjoy life to the fullest like you did. Victor



Few people shine so brightly. Gone to dance amongst the stars. Susan x



Always picture you with a smile. Heidi



I’d been dancing with this young gorgeous boy for about three years in Newbury and I’m now coming up to 60 and I can tell you that he also inspired me and taught me how to dance well. He never refused me and always made me feel very special whenever I danced with him.  Unfortunately he is a one off and such a pity that more males don’t realise that the older woman is just as capable of dancing as good as the younger women especially if you’ve been taught by Lee. I owe him so much, my styling, my spins and how to relax and enjoy the dance. I will always miss his amazing personality and his exceptional talent. I feel so honoured to have known this young gifted man. Sandy Hillier



The great thing about Lee is that even if you were not one of his close friends you felt like it… I would see him at bar salsa and many other venues and congresses and just say hi or a few words but the halo of happiness surrounding him was just contagious! His so down-to-earth attitude gave me a lot of confidence in my dancing. Enrico Magnani



Lee you touched so many & have left the world so young. Many hearts are broken & tears are shed for you worldwide. You were an amazing person with an inspirational zest for life. You have made me realise that we must cherish every moment as you never know what can happen. Take steps to improve your life because in the end we only regret the chances we didn’t take, the relationships we were scared …to have & the decisions we waited too long to make. Andrea Hulme


Lee will always be remembered as an incredibly gifted dancer but for those he taught will forever remember his lessons. Lee’s good natural, passion, cheekiness, and larger than life personality beautifully shone through his unique teaching style. Forever encouraging and nurturi…ng, his lessons felt more personal than being part of a crowd. But it is his dancing metaphors, quotes, jokes, exaggerated moves and very naughty innuendos that made every lesson so enjoyable!! I thought it be great if we could all share those moments that made Lee such a special person and an unforgettable teacher. Georgio Bosnic


Lee was a uniquely beautiful person in every way. He will always be an inspiration to me, not just to dance, but to live with kindness, generosity and a lot of fun and laughter. Penelope Fitzherbert



Lee, since I’ve known you, you’ve shaken the Salsa community simply by being youself. You were loved, liked, appreciated… by everyone. Your kindness was that of a true Angel. Keep being the Angel that you are… wherever you are. Callixtus Blackett Jr

Lee will always be remembered as the most beautiful person we have ever met, the smile on his face, he was kind and always willing to talk to anyone.Mo Targhaoui




Thank You Lee for all the smiles, hugs, wedgies, bra undoing, wonderful dance skills, joy and priviledge of knowing you. You always welcomed everyone as if they were your long lost friend and made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Your special talents and love for life will always be remembered and I will miss you. Rebecca Johnson


I met Lee when he was selling tickets in Bar Cuba when he was just 18. He soon was seen on the dance floor and we all made a line to steal a dance from him. He would say “gorgeous” even if you had messed up big time. Lee was a true gentleman and made every woman feel special on the dance floor, regardless which level. I loved his lessons, full of fun, good moves and he did have patience! Lee wa…s a natural talent and when he met lovely Shelley the became the couple to watch out for and together they became Salsa champions. Lee was a Champion in many ways. He touched the lives of so many, as we can see by all the tributes. He sure left his mark in his short existence. He is irreplaceable and we all shall miss him enormously. Michou von Beschwitz



Dearest Lee, Never has someone made me feel so inadequate and so special at the same time!! Why do bad things happen to great people? You were truly wonderful and your parents brought a beautiful boy into our world. It’s not the same without you. Love Always. Lindsey. Xxx


It’s Sunday night in Manchester and the last song has just played and it is about now when your party time would normally start. Gone too soon. Jonathan



Lee- Thank you for being so approachable, lovely and fun. It was always an honour to dance with you, a fact which you never showed any signs of knowing. Thank you for always dancing with every level of dancer and making them feel amazing. You’re in inspiration. You will be missed by us all. Xxx Sue


To Lee. Only the good die young. RIP. Ange & Lee & Rhys




To Lee, one of the most beautiful people I have ever known…the world will never be the same without you…we will be lost without you for a very long time. I am so glad to have known you and spent some great times with you. And I will never forget that killer smile. You always made me so happy and I love you for that. I can’t believe you’re gone…May you be in peace my dear friend and may you shine forever Alain Pezeron


Lee was just a pure example of someone living the life to the fullest. He always had a smile on his face and he couldn’t help but to put a smile on your face when you see him. He was such a great entertainer, caring, and a great teacher.Irene Xanthos






Good bye Lee. Even if we only met a couple of times throughout the years- I, as the whole international Salsa community will miss you. Your presence in Salsa World was an outstanding, shining star that will not be forgoten! Your dancing, but even more your personality, the way you connected with everyone, even those whom barely knew will keep you alive in everyone who had the pleasure of knowing you. Thank you for everything. Daniel Gitau


Lee I only really got to know you this year and I feel absolutely blessed. I loved seeing you every Wednesday for our ‘Represento’ rehearsals, it was such a highlight of the week. You had such a gift… You made everyone feel at ease, were so funny and sensational and just brilliant. You were one of the few people I’ve ever met who communicates completely from the soul- not withholding on any level and that’s why so many people loved being around you… Dance on in heaven my friend. I will miss you, but we will meet again.Anthony Collins


For somebody so young, Lee has impacted the hearts and souls of so many! He was unique and a real joy to behold. His infectious laughter, innuendo and tease brought a smile to the face of everyone he met. He was a true friend who shared his infectious passion, fun, music, dance and genuine love of life worldwide. As both a dancer & teacher, he was faultless and always gave individuals his personal help, guidance and reassurance. Philip Hall



Lee will be remembered and missed by all those in the salsa community of which he was an enormous part. In a way, his work continues in all those who were lucky enough to be his students, friends and colleagues. Rest in peace gorgeous Lee. Lots of love. Emma and Kate


You were quite possibly the only follower I have taken advice from on the floor! The countless silly conversations we had were great, but the serious ones meant so much to me. You said things to me many people wouldn’t and everything you said I took and acted on accordingly. I seriously think I have changed the person I am because of you, not only on the dance floor. Thank you. Chris


Such life, such a wonderful bubbly beautiful man. I will miss Lee... but I will always think of him as so alive... he is and he was. We all loved him so much... Love Tamara



I’ll miss you terribly, but I can honestly say I will always remember you with a smile – I’ll miss those ‘unique’ conversations we had (you know the ones I mean) & most of all I’ll miss dancing with you and seeing your smile as the music plays. Dance with the Angels Lee – you really will fit right in. Love you. Nicky


Our Ray of Sunshine! Leeeeeee as I always called him and in return would say Jeeeeeeeeean it was our way of a greeting. Both Robert and myself have known Lee for a number of years through him attending our events and then going on to teach and perform with Shelley at our party nights, weekenders and holidays. Such was his enthusiasm, energy and charm that he brightened up any event he was involved with. We have lost more than a salsa dancer – we have lost a family member and dearest friend. Lee will always remain in our hearts and his memory will be with us in everything we do. Jean and Robert


Such a beautiful and talented person. Will always remember you with a smile and will always miss your wonderful compliments.  With loads of Love. Tuli


Lee you always lit up the room with silliness and laughter wherever you were. You will be sorely missed. Tasmin



To the sweetest, funniest best dance partner, have a great party up there.  Forever Love Freea


A sparkler amongst candles. Keep dancing wherever you are. Love Suzanne


I didn’t even know you and yet I will miss you! Your energy and presence was infectious!  Thank you for what you transmitted to us. With love, Elisa


Lee, was great to see you in NY albeit briefly only weeks before. We’ll miss you and your great energy buddy. Marlon


So very honoured to have been in your presence. You were a wonderful beam of joy to watch. Keep spinning. Judy



Always in everyones salsa beating hearts. Lossie & Gareth


Lee, I love silly fun people and you were one of the best! I think the only serious moment I had with you was over your feet!! So sorry you are gone. Debbie


The boy who made everyone smile on and off the dance floor. We will all miss you. Mat


We’ll never see the likes of you again but you’ve left a sparkle behind that we’ll all remember in the short time you were with us! Peter


Lee, I met you in Blackpool and Brighton. You were a great dancer and teacher. Allyson xx


To the man with the biggest smile. Thank you for your energy, enthusiasm, persona... All my love. Ella xxx


To a truly lovely cheeky chappy! Miss talking about boys with you! Kaysi x


There’s a new star in the sky. Shine on forever. Markus


Lee – we miss you so much. I miss all the laughs we used to have, and the lovely dances.  Ify



Sorry I never knew you but your dancing spirit will live on in all of us. From all your friends across the water in Ireland who were touched by your love of dance and life!



One of the most inspiring people in the world. Thank you Lee. Marc


Thank you Lee for sharing your beautiful energy with me. Your enthusiasm will never be forgotten. Cat xxx


I was totally gutted when I heard you’d left us! Now all I can think of is that cheeky grin, your effortless good humour, your quirky and funny way of seeing the world. You truly are an angel, a very handsome, precociously talented young man and I miss your presence and long for the memories stolen. All my love to you in heaven. Anthony


Lee – I’ve come to know you as a humble and generous person. We loved your sense of humour, always making people laugh on the dance floor and back stage. Ciao, we’ll catch up some day...  Femlie & manoah



Lee- Sadly I have only known you for a short time, but your energy, flamboyancy and personality will always remain with me. I remember the first time joining your 3some class at Winter Gardens when Super Mario was leading and you were one of the 2 male girls! Since then, if ever you were teaching (as this weekend)  I’ve signed up for your fun classes with Shelley. Irene


Lee- cannot believe you  have gone but where you have gone? I believe is a place of beautiful things. Your spirit will live in my heart. May God rest your soul in peace with every record I play. You will always be in my thoughts. DT



Lee – wish you were still with us. You’ll be sorely missed. Eve


Lee- I miss leading you! There is definitely a bit of the salsa scene missing here. You were and still are a source of great inspiration for me and I will make sure you remain in me wherever I dance! The life and soul of any party, you will be truly missed by so many people. One of these days I’ll get you back with one of your tricks (despite falling for them every time! Will remember you forever. Mark x


Lee – never really got to know you much but I have been observing you dance. I can remember you dancing as a leader, as well as a follower. It’s always a tragedy to lose someone in the salsa circle. Wherever you are, just keep doing what you were doing. People only die when other stop thinking about them so we will make sure you stay in our heads. Benny



Well Laddie, you fairly left your mark! That dazzling smile is a memory that won’t fade...glad to have crossed paths. Lorna


Love you long time. Yuki & Clare


I’ll never forget the time I watched you and Shelley rehearsing at Blackpool. Love Suzan x


Dearest Lee. You are the best, liveliest and most wonderful person. It always brought me so much joy to see you. You really brightened up my day. I want you to know that you will continue to brighten many of my days: every time I think of you I will smile and remember the great times we shared. I love you, and keep dancing up there! Burju


I’ve been avoiding writing all weekend. I’ve even found it difficult to look at your picture while we’re all having a good time. It’s 5am on Sunday morning now & here it is. I will remember the good times forever. You really made a lot of us very happy a lot of times, and it was always a total pleasure working with you. We’ll miss you bro! Mauricio


I didn’t know you but I know many who did – it’s people like you who help others find the dance they didn’t know they had in them. May you live on in everyone you touched. Wooffy



We only met you once. You took us for a lesson at the Raddison Weekend. You introduced us to the ‘spider man’ record, which we now dance to constantly! You were an excellent teacher. Dave & Liz



Hey hansome, will miss you loads. You always put a smile on my face, made me laugh with your crazy funny stories. See you soon. Love Always. Nicky


In memory of one of the most gifted dancer and performers we were ever blessed with, a joy to work with and to be with. Heaven was missing an angel, but now he has been called back home. Coz & Kerry


Wow. I wish I got the opportunity to know you. I will be watching the videos for inspiration. RIP. Ufoma


Lee. Best teacher ever. Always made me smile. Miss you tons. Love Alice. X


We’ll remember your smile forever! LOL! Miho xxx


With love. Tanya & JC xxxx


You lit up the world for me and so many others –I miss you so much. Be peaceful. You’ll Never be forgotten. Love always. Nat x


We will miss you. Your smile and love of life will never be forgotten. Lots of love. Caroline


You are an inspiration. Cat with the angels. It’s what you know best. Amos




Lee. Miss you so much. Love forever. Katie xxxxxx


Dear Lee. Sometimes words are just not enough. We will all miss you so much. You brought happiness to so many people. Rebecca


You will be dancing in our hearts forever. Judy x


Lee. Dream in salsa! We miss you. Martin & Erika


Lee. Miss you on the dance floor. Lyndsey & Angie xx


Lee- your smile shines on. Marianne x


My beautiful cousin. I hope I done you proud. Love you and miss you. Darren xxx


God bless you Lee. Phil


Our lovely Lee... Miss you and love you so much. A star of stars. Love you. Aunty Paula. Xxxxx


In 24 years, he touched the hearts of more people and had a bigger impact on the world than most people can hope for in a lifetime. Zaz & Joan


Thank you Lee for this amazing journey. Xxxxx Agata


Wonderful Lee! I only had the peasure of meeting you on a few occasions but I must thank you for being such an inspiration to many... especially to my fiancé whom you encouraged to salsa dance... and that is where we met!! Rest in peace. Tanya xx


Thank you Lee 4 being a gr8 teacher and friend and making me feel good about myself. Miss you. Until we meet again. Love Pamela


Will miss your smile and groove my dear. Jo xxx


Lee – you were the most remarkable person I have ever met. Love you always. Xx Hazel xxxx


Warm smile, warm heart, always constant in great talent. Ben x


Goodybye Lee. Thanks for everything. Andy


Love from Nicola & Lindsey xx


Tu resteras dans nos pensee! Diamile


Lee –I have so much to thank you for. Wish I could see you again to tell you. Till we meet again on the big dancefloor in the sky. Goodbye Lee. Lots of love. Yuno x


Lee – so many words come to mind just when I say your name:happy, inspiration, star, performer (of the truest kind), loving, cuddly, ace dancer. I could continue and fill the page!! I always looked forward to crossing paths with you and having that extra special dance with you. You always managed to make the people around you feel good – it’s that ray of sunshine that surrounded you constantly. I think of you always. I really do. You’re in my heart and my thoughts. You truly are a shining star. For us, you still live on, through Shelley and all the others whose lives you touched. (Sorry the writing is a mess but I’ve been up since 5am and it’s not 2am the following day!) Anyway, before this ends up being an essay. Love lots. Katie


We love you Lee. Christine



Dear Lee. You were such an inspiration to me. Thanks for your encouragement and support. Your infectious smile will remain with me forever. Love always. Andy


Lee. Lots of love, beaucoup d’amour, mucho siempre. Voy a coutar todo de ti a mi hija pa qu sepa que persona geial eras...eras. K x


Dear Lee. Special thoughts of you. You are such a lovely person. You will always be our shining star and in our hearts. Smile and dance forever. Love Jane xxx


Adieu a jamais Lee. Tu sera pour toujours dans nos coeurs. Tu nous manques tellement ici mais nous savons que tu voudrais que l’on s’amuse. Que ton etoile nous garde. A bientot la haut. Zaia


Lee:querido amigo te vamos a recorder por siempre. Dentro de mi corazon y del Corazon de todos los salsero. Descauza eu pez. Un amigo de Argentina. Niko


Dearest Lee! Man! I love you! Rest in Peace! Tom & Cindy xxx


Lee, you were one of my favourite dance people & always made me smile. Sue


You always told me I was a beautiful dancer. I wish I had said that to you more often. I won’t forget your passion and your smile. Clementine


My brother I’m sorry I won’t see you again. You were always a joyous spirit. Bring the sunshine to wherever you are now. Love Daniel



Lee you have such a wonderful warm soul…so beautiful to look at, and with genuine sincerity would always make me feel special… May god rest your soul…and you dance away in heaven. Love Neelam xxx


Lee. You touched my life, you made me smile. You accomplished more than most dare dream. I don’t know if you recognised just how much you meant to so many. I am thankful that I had the privilege to meet you and know you. You are a blessed soul. Loving you always. You are “Fab”. Colleen xxx


Hey Lee, I will never forget your smile, energy & liveliness. You should be an example for all of us. You will always remind me to enjoy my life to the fullest  & stay in my heart. Love xx Tina


Lovely Lee, You have always been the most inspirational, wonderful person…the most popular guy in salsa who will leave an unbridgeable gap in our lives. Our nights will be less without your smile… Alice xxx



What a sweetie with the most amazing smile. When I was at the bottom you picked me up with your kindness! Very sadly missed. Kate xx


To Lee, You are definitely the most inspirational and nicest person anybody could wish to meet – ever! You will be so, so missed and thank you for teaching me my first steps over in Croydon. Rest well my friend. Hugh xxx


Lee, whenever I met you, you were the happiest person. You will be missed by a great many people. Tony.




Lee, those of us that knew you know what a bright light has been extinguished. You chose to follow your passion and I will always take some of that spirit wherever I go. Rest easy. Leigh x



Dearest Lee, I will never forget the famous LAM technique!! I loved dancing with you. You made every woman fell like a queen on the dance floor. The world has lost a diamond, but your spirit will be everywhere. Loving you. Miriam xxxx


I just had the chance to read what you wrote about Lee. (reading the charity website) I cried from the amazing life he lived. I smiled from the life he lived. He was an amazing person and I know he is an angel doing what he does best: bringing smiles and joy to every person that meets him. Leka



Dearest Lee, I will miss you along with all those that knew you. You kept me dancing even when there was no music, and I will never forget you. You were my inspiration and aspiration. With love William x



Lee, I’ve seen you dance but never had the opportunity. Anyway, you have gone to a much better place now. Don’t forget to teach them to dance up there. RIP young man. Lots of love. Viv xx


Dear Lee, you were an amazing teacher and a wonderful person. You will be remembered and deeply missed by many. Thanks for your tireless efforts to improve my spinning! I still can’t believe you won’t be coming bounding into the room again with your infectious laughter. RIP Love from Lucy xxx


Very sad to see going so young. I hope god will bless your soul. Rest in peace. Amigo Salsero, Marcel





Lee Wright Synergy Dance World Memorial Trust Registered Charity No. 1142876 (Charitable Status Gained July 2011)